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chapter 29 and 30

After the guy on stage is done, jurgus goes and talks to that ostrinski guy. He tells jurgus about a party or something and they go to his house. I don't remember when he came into the story. Anyways, they talk about socalizm and boring stuff for like 30 minutes. Stuff like where they came from, how they got taken advantage of and under paid. Then I fell a sleep.


chapters 27 and 28

after jurgus got out of court. he walked home with merija and they talked about boring stuff. but i think it will be an important part of the story because its always like that. the stuff you think isn't important, turns out to be the moral of the whole story. any ways i thought that he got lucky that he didn't have to do time in jail. also that his friend gets his bailout lower so he could pay it. but then he goes out and looks for a job. after a day i think he gives up and goes to a play or something. he falls asleep in there and snores, then the book basically just tells of what the guy on stage says. about how the society isn't working as well as it could. i don't know how but he stretches that out into like 3 pages. oh and there was some lady next to him that he finds extremely interesting and stares at he for a long time. jurgus might get married again. that would be weird, because his other wife just died and all of his family to so why would he want to go through that again.

chapter 26

Hmm...indeed.after reading chapter 26, i began to think that, things are sort of going good for jurgus. well besides a few minor setbacks, like beating the crap out of Connor. that was funny! well i thought it was. any ways he starts being charge of people, which is a turn in luck. since he came to america hes be being bossed around by every one. hes also finally making enough money to actually support him self. hes always had to live paycheck to paycheck. i was happy to see he was actually kind of happy with his life for once. it said that he was enjoying his drink every night without touching his savings. thats a major accomplishment. think of having nothing, and then suddenly being able to sleep in a shelter, drink with friends, and enjoy life for the first time in about a year. if i were him id be pretty okay with that.

Chapters 20-23

well chapter 20 starts out horrible. Jurgus's wife is dead, a few of his kids too, and he fails to get his job back. he spent his last money on drink the day before and didn't realize it. so hes heartbroken, jobless, and poor as hell. its so messed up how things just happen right after another. life has gone from really bad to worst imagined. Oh and that guy who promised him a job, and then he shows up 30 minutes early and hes just like "oh, i cant use you." think how hard that is to hear! so messed up, i mean if your going to promises a poor person a job, that's like putting a 1,000 dollar bill on a fishing poll and waving it in front of him. Then he just takes it back! you cant do that! that should be illegal. anyways, i must have missed something because some how he winds up on someones farm and some one offers him another job and food and a barn to sleep it. i thought that was just what he needed at the moment. but then i thought, wheres his kids? did he just leave them at home? anyways after the barn thing happens, he start trespassing into other peoples barns to sleep in at night. now that's just right up desperate. then it talks about how if a guard dog barked at him, he would just hit it unconscious . that's....kinda funny though, to think about not to see. that would be upsetting to see.