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Chapter 6

well this chapter was more about gatsby's past. it kind of explains how he obtained his money.  he knew a guy named dan cody who when he died, left all his money to gatsby. but gatsby's mistress (whats a mistress?) wouldnt let him have it or something. i thought that was stupid for two reasons. One, i dont know who she is and why she decides that gatsby cant have free money. Two if somebody dies and wants you to have something of theres, nobody should get in the way of you getting it. shes being selfish.

Chapter 4 & 5

 In chapter 4: new day, all is well. It spends the next page explaining in great detail on what it looks like. then it gets back to the story and that's where i got lost. the only part that made any sense is when Gatsby was explaining how his family died. now i know he has money, but i still have no clue who Gatsby is! honesty i cant follow this story. i found my self trying to re-read the whole chapter to see if it would make anymore sense. it didn't. In chapter 5: umm...i dont know


1. Why are you apprehensive about your writing? 2. what do you fear about sharing your writing?
3. What is the best case scenario that could occur today when you share your writing?
4. What is the worse case scenario that could occur today while sharing your writing?

1. i don't know for sure what apprehensive means, so im going to guess its shy or scared. I i think that it has to do with my natural competition and i know that mine isn't the best one out there.
2. i fear that my writing wont make sense to other people
3. umm...yes
4. to not have a paper and or forget that paper at home

The cold and snow.

This cold, the one that has very recently showed up out of no were makes me want to make a giant melting snow machine so i can clean off the streets. i mean what good is the snow on the streets if it doesnt give us a snow day? but the real reason i want the snow to go away is so that i can get out my old longbourd again. it sucks having to walk places when i do go places, instead of sitting in my basement all day playing th world of warcraft. who ever invented snow should stop. NAOWAH!


the awakening

The awakening was kind of lame because it didn’t have very much detail. I felt like it didn’t clarify the end at all. It just says that she got tiered and that’s it. That’s not even a proper ending. That’s like me ending my response right now by saying “and then I got tiered.”