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The jungle 7-20

in the chapters 7-20 things go from bad to worse.as summer turns into winter, work at the factory gets harder. plus the company starts making improvements to make more meat in less time to not pay the workers as much. as massive blizzards make some people almost die, jurgus is working on the manner part of the factory. yeah, poop. he starts to smell really bad and his family cant eat because of it. that would suck so much. but then when hes working inside, the fog makes it really hard to see, and one of the pigs got loose and rammed into jurgus and sprained his ankle really bad. when jurgus is injured at work, and cant walk, the famlie turns to the kids to make them money. each day they send there kids on a 5 mile walk to the city to sell newspapers. i thought that was funny how the first couple of times, they failed and came home crying because the didn't make any more. well, not the crying part, mostly that they sent there kids out to make money off news papers. i mean, that's kinda lame and put allot of pressure on the kids, because if they don't make money, there family starves! that's so messed up! any ways, jurgus waits 3 weeks and cant take not doing anything anymore. so he trys to go back, but he cant make it because he cant stand because of his ankle. and just when things seemingly couldn't get worse. guess who gets sick? his wife. she starts acting all crazy and stuff. i thought it was funny. kind of, but not like if she was going to die. thats not funny.
